For legal professionals

Guide to Employment Rights in Yemen

This legal guide covers the laws, regulations and procedures governing employment rights in Yemen, both for Yemeni and foreign nationals, including refugees and migrant workers. It is intended as a reference guide for legal practitioners, as well as other organisations and individuals working on employment law issues in Yemen.

Guide to Employment Rights in Federal Iraq

This legal guide covers the laws, regulations and procedures governing employment rights in Federal Iraq for Iraqi and foreign nationals, including refugees. It is intended as a reference guide for legal practitioners, including NRC’s Information, Counseling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) staff, as well as other organisations and individuals working on employment law issues in Iraq. A separate guide is available on the employment law regime in the Kurdish Region of Iraq (KRI) which uses a different Labour Law.

This guide is also available in Arabic.

Guide to Employment Rights in Lebanon

This legal guide covers the laws, regulations and procedures governing employment rights in Lebanon for Lebanese and foreign nationals, including refugees. Whilst the guide is primarily intended for persons working with Syrian refugees in Lebanon, it can also be useful when advising Lebanese employees, migrant workers or Palestinians from Lebanon. It is intended as a reference guide for legal practitioners, including NRC’s Information, Counseling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) staff, as well as other organisations and individuals working on employment law issues in Lebanon.

This guide is also available in Arabic.

Guide to Employment Rights in Jordan

This legal guide covers the laws, regulations and procedures governing employment rights in Jordan for Jordanian and foreign nationals, including refugees. Whilst the guide is primarily intended for persons working with Syrian refugees in Jordan, it can also be useful when advising refugees from other countries, migrant workers or Palestinians in Jordan. It is intended as a reference guide for legal practitioners, including NRC’s Information, Counseling and Legal Assistance (ICLA) staff, as well as other organisations and individuals working on employment law issues in Jordan.

This guide is also available in Arabic.

National Asylum Developments Database

Presents legislative, institutional and policy developments related to asylum since 2018. Searches can be narrowed down by: Country; Year; Type of development: legislative, institutional or policy Thematic area: access to procedure, access to information, legal assistance and representation, interpretation services, special procedures, procedures at first instance, reception of applicants for international protection, detention, procedures at second instance, country of origin information, statelessness in the asylum context, content of protection, return of former applicants, resettlement and humanitarian admission programmes. Details on each development and further analysis can be consulted in the Asylum Report series. There is also a database of "Country of Origin Information" with comprehensive information on health system.

Asylum Manual

Third edition of the Preparing LGBTQ and HIV Asylum, Withholding and CAT Claims - This handbook is intended for use by pro bono attorneys and immigration attorneys working on LGBTQ/HIV asylum cases.

Please bear in mind that immigration law is constantly changing. Therefore, you should always consult the Immigration and Nationality Act, Code of Federal Regulations, and Board of Immigration Appeals and Federal Court decisions rather than relying solely on the information in this Manual. Moreover, different attorneys may employ different strategies in asylum cases, in many instances the information contained herein as to best practices in asylum cases is the joint opinion of the authors, but reasonable minds may disagree about strategy choices.