For individuals

US Immigration and HIV: The Basics

This fact sheet is intended for people who plan to stay in the US for longer than a visit. The information is current as of the date on this fact sheet. This fact sheet is intended for information only and does not constitute legal advice. The Resources section lists organiSations that may be able to provide legal help for your specific case.

This factsheet is also available in Spanish.

Immigration to the US, Women, and HIV: Facts and Resources

This fact sheet is intended for people who plan to stay in the US for longer than a visit. The information is current as of the date on this fact sheet.  This fact sheet is intended for information only and does not constitute legal advice. The Resources section lists organisations that may be able to provide legal help for your specific case.

This fact sheet is also available in Spanish.

Immigration and Travel to Canada for People Living with HIV – Questions and Answers

In general, people living with HIV are allowed to travel and migrate to Canada. However, in certain circumstances, HIV status is a factor considered by the Government of Canada to decide if a person can enter or remain in Canada. This Q&A provides information on how Canadian immigration law and policy affect people living with HIV who wish to visit or live in Canada.

This guide is also available in Spanish

This Q&A describes Canadian immigration law and policy as of July 2023. From time to time, changes are made to the laws and regulations, and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) issues new directives to immigration officers. Immigration officers are allowed some discretion, which they may or may not use to the advantage of an applicant. Officers may also make mistakes in applying laws, regulations, and policies. In other words, the law may be applied unevenly, which could have a positive or negative effect on an application. Therefore, an application to enter or stay in Canada may not proceed precisely according to the procedures described in this Q&A. Please seek legal advice as appropriate (see the “Getting legal advice” section on page 12).

Know your rights: Accessing healthcare without permanence residence or citizenship in Canada

This guide provides essential information on accessing healthcare and HIV medication in Canada, particularly for individuals who might face barriers due to their immigration or insurance status. It explains Canada’s universal healthcare system, who is eligible for public healthcare, and options like the Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) for refugees and other groups. The guide also covers alternative ways to access healthcare and medication for those without insurance, discusses the possibility of bringing medication from one's home country, and addresses concerns about how accessing healthcare might affect immigration status.

The guide is also available in French

US: What to do if you lose your HIV medications while traveling

The article provides a guide on what to do if you lose or forget your HIV medications while traveling. It offers practical advice for accessing medications, such as contacting your health provider, insurance, local HIV services, or even the drug manufacturer. It also covers challenges like international travel, mailing restrictions, and prevention tips, including packing medications in carry-on luggage and considering long-acting injectable treatments.

Stay on ART

Navigation tool specifically for people living with HIV, aimed at improving access to treatment, when visiting, moving or migrating to another country. It contains brief information about countries within the WHO European Region, for HIV purposes, for those people planning a long-term stay in another country for work or migration reasons. It provides step-by-step procedures, with a list of documents, required for access to healthcare and antiretroviral treatment. It also provides useful links, addresses and additional options for emergency situations.

Factsheet – Introduction to Dutch Healthcare and Insurance System

English language fact sheet how healthcare is regulated in the Netherlands and how to make use of it.

Podcast: HIV Migration and Disclosure

Carlos and Emil from Living Positive Victoria share with us about HIV migration, with many recent HIV notifications occuring amongst newly arrived migrants in Australia. They talk about access barriers to testing, treatment, and navigating services once in Australia – potentially without access to Medicare. We talk about HIV disclosure with partners, and in legal settings.

Visa Guide World

Online free information guide to worldwide visas: Lists requirements and how to apply for a visa to any country in the world with details depending on country of residence. Searchable by country, visa purpose, visa policy etc.  This site is aimed at the general public and is not HIV-specific.

Self-Help Asylum Guides – For people without an attorney

Self-Help Asylum Guides:; provide information on how to apply for asylum based on sexual orientation, gender identity, and/or HIV status. There are two different guides to choose from: 1) the Affirmative Asylum Guide or 2) the Defensive Asylum Guide. Determining which one is right for you will depend on whether or not your case is with the immigration court. Available in 4 languages.

Immigration Preparedness Toolkit

Resource-packed informational document designed to help immigrants with no legal status or in mixed status families begin to understand the immigration legal landscape and plan for their own journey through an ever-changing, complex system in the United States. Topics include: your rights during ICE confrontations, the different types of immigration options available, ideas for building your consultation roadmap, and tips on covering your bases while waiting for relief. This 13-page resource also incorporates links to other helpful reference documents, fact sheets, and tools readers can use to construct their own personalised plan.

Available in English and in Spanish.