Report of the International Task Team on HIV‐related Travel Restrictions
In an effort to finally eliminate HIV-related restrictions, UNAIDS convened in 2008 the International Task Team on HIV-related Travel Restrictions (the Task Team). This is the Report of the findings and recommendations of the Task Team.
- Author
- Reference
- December 2008
- Countries
- Global
Submission to Ministry of Health/MBIE Working Group on suggested changes to immigration health requirements for people living with HIV
Submission from the National HIV and AIDS Forum calling on the Ministry of Health to remove HIV from the list of medical conditions deemed to impose significant costs and/or demands on New Zealand’s health services. The submission sets out arguments in favour of removal and makes recommendations. The submission was successful and HIV was removed from the list in October 2021.
- Author
- National HIV and AIDS Forum
- Reference
- 2020
- Countries
- New Zealand
UNAIDS and UNDP call on 48* countries and territories to remove all HIV-related travel restrictions
Press release from UNAIDS and UNDP urging countries to keep the promises made in the 2016 United Nations Political Declaration on Ending AIDS to remove all forms of HIV-related travel restrictions.
- Author
- Reference
- 27 June 2019
- Countries
- Global
Promoting a rights-based approach to migration, health, and HIV and AIDS: A framework for action
This report provides an analysis of the underlying issues around health and HIV in the context of labour migration. An overview of contemporary migration, with a focus on labour migration, is provided as basis to frame the discussion.
- Author
- International Labour Office
- Reference
- 2017
- Countries
- Global
DenyIng entry, stay and residence due to HIV status: Ten things you need to know
10 points to advocate for non-discrimination in the freedom of movement of people living with HIV.
- Author
- Reference
- June 2009
- Countries
- Global