
Regulations on entry, stay, residence, and treatment access for people living with HIV

Please also consult your own Foreign Office/Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, or the local consulate of the country you are visiting, to see what restrictions there are specifically for you as a citizen of your country, regardless of your HIV status.

The categories of restriction are:

  • Unclear restrictions - it is not clear to what extent restrictions apply.

Restrictions on entry to Ukraine

We found no evidence of any official restrictions on entry to Ukraine based on HIV status.

According to UNAIDS and the US Department of State, Ukraine does not have any HIV-related entry restrictions.

The information available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine does not suggest an HIV-related restriction on entry. On this site, there is a list of supporting documents that should be included with a visa application and none of those documents makes reference to HIV or the general health of the applicant.

Restrictions on short-term stay in Ukraine

We found no evidence of any official restrictions on short-term stay in Ukraine based on HIV status.

According to UNAIDS and the US Department of State, Ukraine does not have any HIV-related restrictions on short-term stay.

The information available on the website of the State Migration Service of Ukraine regarding the issuance of temporary residence permit does not suggest an HIV-related restriction on short-term stay or temporary residence. However, on this site, there is a list of grounds for denying the service, one of which is ‘information on actions of foreigner or stateless person that threaten national security, public order, health, rights and lawful interests of Ukrainian citizens and other individuals residing in Ukraine, received from National Police, SSU, other public authority.’ There is no evidence that this would prevent short-term stay of people living with HIV, however.

Restrictions on long-term stay in Ukraine

Sources are mixed on whether Ukraine imposes restrictions on long-term stay of people living with HIV.

UNAIDS reports that Ukraine requires HIV testing for residency permits, and denies permits on the basis of HIV status.

The information available on the website of the State Migration Service of Ukraine regarding the issuance of permanent residence permit does not suggest an HIV-related restriction on permanent residence. However, on this site, there is a list of grounds for denying the service, one of which is ‘information on actions of foreigner or stateless person that threaten national security, public order, health, rights and lawful interests of Ukrainian citizens and other individuals residing in Ukraine, received from National Police, SSU, other public authority.’ As above, there is no evidence that this would prevent short-term stay of people living with HIV.

Historic regulations in Ukraine

In 2010, the Ukrainian Parliament revised its Law on Prevention of AIDS and Social Protection of Population in October 2010. Restrictions on entry of people living with HIV were removed from the law.

The Ukraine regulation on the admission of foreigners and stateless persons to study at higher educational institutions from August 5, 1998 N 1238, which stipulated that non-nationals should submit among other documents, a document on the absence of HIV infection, is no longer valid. This regulation expired on 11 September 2013.

Clause 9 of the Procedure for the organisation of recruitment and training (internships) of foreigners and stateless persons, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 01.11.2013 № 1541, provides a list of documents that a foreigner should submit together with the application for admission to an educational institution. There is no document on the absence of HIV on this list. Thus, educational institutions requiring documents on the absence of HIV infection for foreign students contradicts the norms of current Ukrainian legislation.

Treatment access in Ukraine

The following summarises available information on access to healthcare for people living with HIV in Ukraine. There is some evidence that non-nationals are restricted from accessing treatment in the same way as nationals.

IOM reports that there has been no major change in the framework governing immigration, family reunion, education, health care and social protection since the first MGI assessment in 2018.

Healthcare rights of migrants have not been strengthened or revised since the 2018 MGI assessment. Access to health care depends on the resident status of the person. Permanent residents, refugees, and persons in need of complementary or temporary protection enjoy free access to health care, while temporary residents or migrants in an irregular situation have free access to emergency care and receive other health‐care services on a paid‐for basis.

The HIV Justice Network's Global HIV Criminalisation Database

People living with HIV are criminalised in Ukraine. There are HIV-specific criminal laws in force which target alleged HIV ‘exposure’, non-disclosure, and/or transmission. We are aware of reported prosecutions under these or other laws.

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