Regulations on entry, stay, residence, and treatment access for people living with HIV
The categories of restriction are:
- Unclear restrictions - it is not clear to what extent restrictions apply.
Restrictions on entry to Nigeria
Sources are mixed on whether Nigeria imposes entry restrictions on people living with HIV.
According to UNAIDS, Nigeria does not have any HIV-related restrictions on entry.
The US Department of State notes that some HIV entry restrictions exist for visitors to and foreign residents of Nigeria. Nigerian authorities may deny entry to non-nationals who are ‘undesirable for medical reasons’ and may require HIV tests for non-nationals intending to marry Nigerian citizens.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nigeria has a list of supporting documents that should be included with a visa application and none of those documents makes reference to HIV or the general health of the applicant.
However, a Health Declaration Form must be filled out by all incoming passengers to Nigeria. Paper-based versions will be provided on arrival in Nigeria for passengers unable to fill the form. The form does not ask any questions related to HIV status.
According to Article 3 of the Immigration Act: ‘(2) Any immigrant or transit passenger named in any such list whose international certificates of health fail to comply with the requirements of the Director of Immigration or whose state of health the immigration officer has cause to suspect, shall submit to such medical examination or vaccination as a medical inspector may reasonably require.’
However, Article 18 which outlines ‘prohibited immigrants’, does not include communicable health conditions among the reasons to prohibit immigration or to justify deportation.
Restrictions on short-term stay in Nigeria
We found no evidence of any official restrictions on short-term stay in Niger based on HIV status.
According to UNAIDS, Nigeria does not have any HIV-related restrictions on short-term entry.
Restrictions on long-term stay in Nigeria
We found no evidence of any official restrictions on long-term stay in Niger based on HIV status.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Nigeria has a list of supporting documents that should be included with a residence work permit application and none of those documents makes reference to HIV or the general health of the applicant.
The list of required documents to obtain a Residence Permit does not include any reference to HIV or the general health of the applicant.
The online form application also does not include any field in relation to health or HIV status.
Some sources suggest an HIV test might be needed to marry a Nigerian citizen, however the website of the Ministry of Interior does not contain such reference among the Marriage Requirements.
Historic regulations in Nigeria
Some sources refer that HIV testing might previously have been required for certain types of entry and stay, however we were not able to confirm.
Treatment access in Nigeria
The following summarises available information on access to healthcare for people living with HIV in Nigeria. There is no evidence that non-nationals are restricted from accessing treatment in the same way as nationals.
Health facilities in the country are limited. Public healthcare is adequate for routine treatments and check-ups, but is hugely underfunded.
HIV treatment services are offered at various health facilities supported by international organisations like the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund.
In partnership with the Nigerian government, the US CDC supports many HIV treatment sites where testing and ART services are provided. Non-nationals are likely to access these services if they are registered and referred through healthcare systems, although documentation and the ability to navigate the health system might influence access.
Visitors to Nigeria are advised to secure international health insurance to cover anything more than basic medical treatments, including medical evacuation.
The HIV Justice Network's Global HIV Criminalisation Database
People living with HIV are criminalised in Nigeria. There are HIV-specific criminal laws in force which target alleged HIV ‘exposure’, non-disclosure, and/or transmission. We are aware of reported prosecutions under these or other laws. However, the application of criminal law is a devolved power in Nigeria, and the status of HIV criminalisation varies by state.
Visit the Nigeria page on the Global HIV Criminalisation Database to see more information about known HIV criminalisation laws in this country, an overview of how the laws are used, and any significant advocacy developments.
UNAIDS Global AIDS monitoring data
This information about access to HIV services comes from UNAIDS, a platform to view data on HIV-related laws and policies. This is information provided by national authorities and civil society and may contradict other sources.
Migrant populations
Laws/policies enable documented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | Yes |
Laws/policies enable documented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | Yes |
Laws/policies enable undocumented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | Yes |
Laws/policies enable undocumented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | Yes |
Migrants are able to access HIV services | Yes |
Refugees and asylum seekers
Laws/policies enable asylum seekers to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | Yes |
Laws/policies enable asylum seekers to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | Yes |
Laws/policies enable refugees to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | Yes |
Laws/policies enable refugees to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | Yes |