
Regulations on entry, stay, residence, and treatment access for people living with HIV

The categories of restriction are:

  • No restrictions on entry or staying.

Restrictions on entry to Monaco

We found no evidence of any official restrictions on entry to Monaco based on HIV status.

According to UNAIDS and the US Department of State, Monaco does not have any HIV-related restrictions on short-term stay.

Monaco is not a member of the Schengen area, however as France has responsibility for security of its external borders, non-nationals wishing to enter Monaco must hold a French visa or permission to enter France (i.e. permission to enter the Schengen area). This is confirmed by the Embassy of Monaco to the UK, for instance.

Restrictions on short-term stay in Monaco

We found no evidence of any official restrictions on short-term stay in Monaco based on HIV status.

According to UNAIDS and the US Department of State, Monaco does not have any HIV-related restrictions on short-term stay.

All non-Monégasque nationals require a work permit, and every change of job requires authorisation and a new permit. According to the General Consulate of Monaco in New York, permission to engage someone is only issued if the person concerned passes a free medical examination carried out by the Employment Medical Service.

According to the Office of Occupational Medicine (Office de la Médecine du Travail), ‘The medical examination is carried out to see if your state of health is compatible with the workstation you hold and to ensure that your professional activity does not adversely affect your health. In general, it is advisable to have all medical documents that can help the doctor to best determine your state of health’.

There is no mention of HIV, and the information provided does not suggest that a specific diagnosis of any health condition would result in a visa denial. 

Restrictions on long-term stay in Monaco

We found no evidence of any official restrictions on long-term stay in Monaco based on HIV status.

According to UNAIDS and the US Department of State, Monaco does not have any HIV-related restrictions on long-term stay.

The stated requirements to obtain a residence permit do not include an HIV test.

Treatment access in Monaco

The following summarises available information on access to healthcare for people living with HIV in Monaco. There is no evidence that non-nationals are restricted from accessing treatment in the same way as nationals.

The Monaco Screening Centre offers individual, anonymous, free screening for HIV and Hepatitis B and C and for other sexually transmitted diseases.

Association Fight AIDS Monaco, founded in 2004 by Princess Stéphanie, supports people living with and affected by HIV in Monaco and the neighbouring area.

The HIV Justice Network's Global HIV Criminalisation Database

Visit the Monaco page on the Global HIV Criminalisation Database to see more information about known HIV criminalisation laws in this country, an overview of how the laws are used, and any significant advocacy developments.

UNAIDS Global AIDS monitoring data

This information about access to HIV services comes from UNAIDS, a platform to view data on HIV-related laws and policies. This is information provided by national authorities and civil society and may contradict other sources.

Migrant populations

Laws/policies enable documented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens N/A
Laws/policies enable documented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) N/A
Laws/policies enable undocumented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens N/A
Laws/policies enable undocumented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) N/A
Migrants are able to access HIV services N/A

Refugees and asylum seekers

Laws/policies enable asylum seekers to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens N/A
Laws/policies enable asylum seekers to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) N/A
Laws/policies enable refugees to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens N/A
Laws/policies enable refugees to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) N/A


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This site focuses on information about HIV travel. Please also consult your own Foreign Office/Ministry of Foreign Affairs website, or the local consulate of the country you are visiting, to see what restrictions there are specifically for you as a citizen of your country, regardless of your HIV status.