Regulations on entry, stay, residence, and treatment access for people living with HIV
The categories of restriction are:
- Restrictions on short-term stays which in most cases is defined as under 90 days.
- Restrictions on long-term stays which in most cases is defined as over 90 days.
The types of restriction are:
- HIV testing/disclosure required for work visa.
- HIV testing/disclosure required for study visa.
- HIV testing/disclosure required for residence.
- Ban on work.
- Ban on study.
- Ban on residence.
Restrictions on entry to Mauritius
We found no evidence of any official restrictions on entry to Mauritius based on HIV status.
Neither UNAIDS or the US Department of State reports that Mauritius has any HIV-related restrictions on entry.
Restrictions on short-term stay in Mauritius
We are aware of some official restrictions on short-term stay of people living with HIV in Mauritius.
According to UNAIDS, Mauritius requires HIV testing for work and study permits.
The US Department of State reports that visitors with HIV seeking work permits face restrictions.
According to the Passport & Immigration Office, student visa applications require ‘A medical certificate certifying that the applicant is not suffering from any contagious or infectious disease. A test for HIV, Hepatitis B, a Chest X-ray carried out in his/her country of origin. Another medical certificate within one month as from date of arrival in Mauritius.’
Restrictions on long-term stay in Mauritius
We are aware of some official restrictions on long-term stay of people living with HIV in Mauritius.
According to UNAIDS, Mauritius requires HIV testing for any residency permit (longer than 90 days), and these are denied on the basis of HIV status.
Detailed information is available on the Migration Portal of the Government of Mauritius and in the Economic Development Board of the Government of Mauritius. Among the required documentation for permanent residency permits is a ‘certificate from a medical practitioner in Mauritius that you are not suffering from any infectious or contagious disease.’ As noted above, such medical certificates require HIV testing and a negative result is required.
Historic regulations in Mauritius
The Immigration Act 1970 previously prohibited entry of persons afflicted with any infectious or contagious disease. However, it was amended in 2019 to repeal Sections 8(1)(a) and 8(1)(c)8 to be more inclusive.
Treatment access in Mauritius
The following summarises available information on access to healthcare for people living with HIV in Mauritius. There is some evidence that non-nationals are restricted from accessing treatment in the same way as nationals.
IOM reports that migrants with a valid residence permit may access free government‐funded healthcare services on the same level as nationals, including treatment for chronic conditions, such as diabetes.
The HIV Justice Network's Global HIV Criminalisation Database
People living with HIV may be criminalised in Mauritius. While there are no HIV-specific laws in force, we are aware of reported prosecutions of alleged HIV ‘exposure’, non-disclosure, and/or transmission under general criminal laws.
Visit the Mauritius page on the Global HIV Criminalisation Database to see more information about known HIV criminalisation laws in this country, an overview of how the laws are used, and any significant advocacy developments.
UNAIDS Global AIDS monitoring data
This information about access to HIV services comes from UNAIDS, a platform to view data on HIV-related laws and policies. This is information provided by national authorities and civil society and may contradict other sources.
Migrant populations
Laws/policies enable documented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | N/A |
Laws/policies enable documented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | N/A |
Laws/policies enable undocumented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | N/A |
Laws/policies enable undocumented migrants to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | N/A |
Migrants are able to access HIV services | N/A |
Refugees and asylum seekers
Laws/policies enable asylum seekers to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | N/A |
Laws/policies enable asylum seekers to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | N/A |
Laws/policies enable refugees to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens | N/A |
Laws/policies enable refugees to access HIV services under the same conditions as citizens implemented (countries with such laws/policies) | N/A |